Educating Orphans and Children in Poverty for Over 10 Years

Promoting The Virtues of Education

We strongly support and promote The Virtues Education for all schools and orphanages in the world. It is a global grassroots initiative with the aim to inspire the practice of virtues in all aspects of life.


ANDERSON Associations
Rwanda – Africa
ADCAM Foundation
Amazon- Brazil
Nepalgunj- Nepal
NECO Foundation
Kathmandu, Nepal
GATEHILL Children Centre
Nairobi, Kenya – Africa

Help enhance the living conditions of orphans and disadvantaged children by donating. Connect with us at 408-829-5951 for more details.

Save the Children; Change the World

A Documentary about Children Education Foundation.

Support, Donate, Volunteer

Together, we can make a difference in the life of a less fortunate child. We encourage volunteers within and outside of Nepal, Africa, and Brazil to visit these schools and orphanages and provide loving support to children in need. In addition, you can help our initiative by donating.
Two Hands Making Heart Shape

Support, Donate, Volunteer

Together, we can make a difference in the life of a less fortunate child. We encourage volunteers within and outside of Nepal, Africa, and Brazil to visit these schools and orphanages and provide loving support to children in need. In addition, you can help our initiative by donating.
Two Hands Making Heart Shape