We at Children Education Foundation continue to bring change in the lives of orphaned and underprivileged young people through our meaningful programs.
We at Children Education Foundation continue to bring change in the lives of orphaned and underprivileged young people through our meaningful programs.
We at Children Education Foundation are committed to supporting disadvantaged children and orphans around the world. However, feeding them, as necessary as it is, does not end the suffering.
We firmly believe that the root cause of all social ills, including poverty, hunger, prejudice, and war, is the lack of education. It teaches people not only science and math but also virtues – the principles of justice, integrity, honesty, and peace.
There is a pressing challenge to be faced; our children need to be nurtured spiritually. In the current condition of society, many young people experience a cruel fate. Parents and other adults are alienating them, whether they live in conditions of wealth or poverty. This condition is not confined to any race, class, nation, or economic condition – it cuts across them all.
Children and the youth must have spiritual education for the community to develop further. An atmosphere needs to be maintained in which young people have a sense of belonging to the community and share in its purpose. They must lovingly but insistently be directed to live up to their high moral standards.
The Virtues Project has successfully inspired and mobilized thousands of families, educators, leaders, and employees to commit acts of service and generosity, heal violence with virtues, and create safe and caring communities.
We strongly back and promote The Virtues Project for all schools and orphanages in the world. It is a global grassroots initiative to inspire the practice of virtues in all aspects of life. The project is a catalyst for the renewal of kindness, justice, and integrity in more than 90 countries. Click here for more information and include virtual education in all your curriculum and classes.
We thank you for teaching the virtues to your children and for your financial support.
Sponsorship is a monthly commitment by an individual, school, or corporation to contribute regularly to Children Education Foundation. It will help cover the children’s expenses for food, clothing, education, health care, and school essentials, such as transportation, books, and toys.
Our sponsors and supporters can check the updates with photographs or videos about the children’s lives and progress in each school or orphanage.
The management of LPP has been supporting 2 orphanages in Nepal since 2011, and recently, a school in Rwanda, Africa. Its teachers are also educating students about saving money to help their less fortunate peers in other parts of the world. In addition, parents are encouraged to educate their kids as well as generously contribute to our foundation.
The staff and children at LPP hope that their support for our cause will become a model for schools around the country and will collectively improve the lives of thousands of children and orphans worldwide.